making me rich
“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.” 2 Corinthians 8:2
Generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, as in money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected
Rich: having the properties necessary to produce fertile growth
My Abba,
The world’s wisdom tells me to be sensible about the way I give. But the believers described in this passage gave when earthly resources were scant and suffering was plentiful. What equipped them to give in the midst of severe trial? That kind of supernatural generosity only seems to happen when your overflowing joy overpowers the pain and poverty in our lives. Then we can give generously as you lead us to, no matter what our circumstance.
I don’t want my giving to be fueled by my brokenness. That kind of giving wears me out. Please make me sensitive to your direction. Let me spend myself wisely in strategic ways for your kingdom.
I have only the slightest glimpse of the ways you give to me. I think of how my husband and I have sacrificed for our children. Like most children, they don’t realize what we have given up. Sleep, time, conveniences, brain cells, money, sanity, and so much more for them. And our sacrifice is nothing compared to yours.
I have ached when, sometimes, they acted ungratefully. But it is not just because I always want them to be lovely, appreciative human beings. I think it is, also, that their attitudes make me uncomfortable because they give me a clearer sense of my ingratitude toward you.
Please forgive me when my heart wanders down that path. I can get so focused on what I think I might want next and fail to thank you for the extraordinary blessings you have already given me. Ingratitude breeds poverty in my spirit.
Thank you for all the ways you have sacrificed and provided for me. Please empower me to live my life generously, in gratitude and overflowing joy.
I love you,
My child,
When you are tested by troubles and are in need, you will still find great joy in being generous. I am generous, and you are made in my image. As you walk in my power, I will cause my joy to overflow in you as generosity. The joy you find in me coupled with your awareness of your lack is a match made in heaven.
Don’t share from what you think you can logically afford to give of your time, energy, talents, resources and money. Give yourself to me and to others emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially based on how I lead you. I won’t ask you to give something away I have not supplied.
When the embers of your energy are cold and dark, I am your brilliant blaze. When your heart’s reservoir is dusty dry, I am your vigorous wellspring. When your soul light feels pale and feeble, I am your dazzling illumination.
Don’t see your service as something that is “strictly necessary” because of the expectations of others. The gift of generosity is so much more than duty. I desire for you to experience my supernaturally inspired, empowered giving. That service will never suffocate you. You have said many times, “You have to put on your own oxygen mask first, before you can help others.”
But remember, I am your oxygen. Breathe. Deeply. Instead of taking “me time,” I want you to take “we time.” That time for you and me will refresh, restore, and build you up.
Then, you will be rich! Your soul will be saturated with my grace, joy and love. Through me, you will have what is necessary to help produce fertile growth in others. That is the exuberant, rich life for which I created you.
I love you,
photo: ricardo mayer