currency of desire

currency of desire.jpg

“In the wilderness, their desires ran wild, testing God’s patience in that dry land.” Psalm 106:14

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalm 37:4

“And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires.” Galatians 5:17 b

“You won’t spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God.” 1 Peter 4:2


My Abba,

It has taken me countless years and deep healing to begin to recognize my desire. In the midst of abuse as a child, I only knew how to read the desires of others and try to react in a way to minimize pain.

With increasing freedom, I now realize I have my own desires. But I need your wisdom to know what to do with them. I hear opinions from others that range from, “All our desires are good” to “All our desires are evil.” But as I look at Scripture, I don’t get the sense that you see all our desire as good or bad.   

I need your strength to sift through my wants and still pursue what you want. Please show me where the gold is amidst the dross in my desire.

How do I acknowledge my desire but not make it my god? I don’t want to worship whatever my flesh thinks it wants. At times, my desires can change as quickly as my fickle cravings for peculiar foods did when I was pregnant.

My sin nature is never satisfied for very long marching to the beat of its own erratic drum. It is always on the move looking for that next something to fuel the furnace of my capricious appetites.

My desires can be headstrong and rowdy offspring with great vigor and decent intentions, but at times, not yet mature. I don’t want them to run wild.

I need you to show me what is inspired by you and what is not. Please sanctify my desires.

I love you,



My child,

I am glad you have come to a place where you more clearly recognize your desire and can choose to bring it to me. In the past, you could not surrender what you did not know was yours.

If you had a bank account, that you did not realize was yours, you would not wrestle with how to spend the money in it. There would be no potential for spending it poorly or well, if you didn’t know it existed.

But if you know you have that resource, you can then choose what to do with it. That is how it is with the currency of desire. When you realize you have it, you then can decide how to spend it. 

Your desire is not always wrong. Sometimes it is what makes you uniquely you. I want you to shine for me in your singular way. I made you the way you are for a reason. But your sinful nature can taint the divine desire I have placed in you. Bring it to me, so I can help you sort it out.

Your desire can come into beautiful alignment with mine to spawn something remarkable. I can infuse your heart with what is right, good and a priority in my kingdom. I know you want to commit to the path that aligns your heart with mine. And as your desires merge with mine, your soul will be supernaturally satisfied.

I love you,



photo: sritongcom