sky writing


“They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.  For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.

“Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.” Romans 1:19-21


My child,

Since I created humanity, I have used creation to reveal myself to those I created. I want everyone to experience me through the beauty of what they can see in my handiwork. The vibrant stars I sprinkle into the black bowl of a midnight sky. Powder blue waves waltzing across ivory sand. The blaze of the sun dazzling the sable horizon at daybreak. I want my invisible qualities – my power and divine nature – to be made more tangible through these glorious displays of my splendor.

Relationship with me is what all people were created for. The problem is this: despite the ways I reveal myself, many refuse to treat me as God. They even concoct foolish imaginations about what I am like. Because of this, their minds become dark and confused.

They think they are profoundly wise, but they have become foolish. Instead of worshiping me, the one true infinite, glorious, perfect God, they give their deepest devotion and admiration to created things.

I do not force them to stop this. I allow them to pursue what their hearts desire. I always give them choice. Love requires choice. But as a result, some completely turn from the truth about me and invest themselves in lies.

Although I deserve their love and worship as their Creator, they devote themselves to what I created for them to enjoy. They tumble head over heels into deception and reap more and more darkness. This breaks my heart

Now let’s talk about you. I want you to understand that it makes me sad when you choose other things over the life you can find in me.

You make an idol for yourself (or of yourself), whenever you buy the lie that something, or someone, other than me, is worthy of the highest place in your heart. I don’t want to see you hurt, disappointed, and broken by your poor choices. Choose to worship me alone. I am never a poor choice. I am worthy of your endless adoration.

I love you,


My Abba,

After all these years of relationship with you, how do I still get things upside down? I want to be immune from this inversion of priorities. Please help me. Make me increasingly sensitive to your truth. 

The more I, and others, go down the twisted road of deception, the darker it gets. Lies can be attired masterfully as beguiling, compelling truth. What is significant to you becomes trivial. What is trivial becomes our passion. Lifeless things can seem worthy of our utter devotion.

I want a heart that breaks with what breaks your heart. I want a heart that rejoices with what brings you joy. I want your priorities. Your passions.

Now, I am imagining those airplanes that write messages in the sky. That is what I desire for you to do each day. Please write your words of life across my sky.

Give me your gift of sight. I want to recognize and appreciate you as my God – first and foremost in my life. Then everything, and everyone, else will take their rightful place in my heart.

I love you,



