rabbit holes and reality
“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:5
Truth: that which is in accordance with facts or reality
My child,
Don’t drift along numbly taking my gifts for granted. My truth is another one of my magnificent gifts. It points out who I am and my matchless aspirations for you and others. Don’t settle for less.
No matter how convincing and sensational the world’s imaginations look, I am the God of reality. I cannot shore up the fallacious eggshell castles crafted by human hands. Stay aware and grounded in my truth.
Believe it. Breathe it in. Live it out. I am advocating for the truth to triumph in you. I cannot possibly desire anything else.
When my truth points to your frailties, don’t despise my correction. Your weakness is fertile ground for me to show my power. No matter how often you are weak, I remain perpetually, infinitely strong. If you are willing, I will empower you by my Spirit. I will use my truth to cause you to flourish.
Rejoice in that transformation. I am always working to make you more like me. I created you to walk in harmony with my plans and purposes. Stay out of the rabbit holes of popular illusions.
Allow me to immerse you in my extravagant love and life-giving truth. This is an adventure you will never regret.
I love you,
My Abba,
Thank you for the ways you have touched my heart with your truth this morning. Please forgive me for the times I allow life to carry me mindlessly downstream.
Wake me up. I want to live enthralled by you and your truth – with an eternal perspective that comes from staying connected with you.
I want to embrace the truth about who you are and who I am to you. I want to embrace the truth about what you have done, what you are doing, and what you will do. I want to embrace your life-giving promises, desires, and purposes.
As I meditate on your truth, please give me the ability to quickly recognize when my thoughts and actions do not align with your heart. I want to sprint to you with my straying heart. When I pretend like there is not an issue, I twist myself into all kinds of disconcerting knots.
I need you to tell me the truth about my shortcomings. Give me the courage and humility to recognize them. Then I would ask you to enter into those weak places and be my glorious Deliverer.
Please make my foremost strength my dependence on you. I want to experience you and your truth in a deeper way today. You are my one true hope “all day long.”
I love you,
photo: elena schweitzer