living love

living love s.tryapitsyn.jpg

“If anyone claims, ‘I am living in the light,’ but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is still living in darkness. Anyone who loves another brother or sister is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble. But anyone who hates another brother or sister is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness.” 1 John 2:9-11

My Abba,

I don’t want to be hobbled by even a remnant of hate that may be shrouded in the shadows of my wounded soul. Cleanse me of any malice, which might covertly breed in the hidden crevices of my heart. I don’t want to stumble, or cause others to stumble, by dwelling in the dark caves of subtle hostility.

I want to truly walk, talk, think, and act, like your child. I want the family resemblance to be clearly visible. I want to have some qualities that remind others, in some way, of your traits, your characteristics.

More than anything else, I want to resemble you in the way you love. Please pour out your love through me to the ones in my life who are difficult to love. Empower me to love the “unlovelies” well.

Sometimes, I am prone to show “love” to difficult people by giving into their wishes, even, when that is not in their best interest. I realize that is not authentic love. Your love does not act like a doormat to keep the peace. You are never a doormat, and I know you want me to emulate you in all things. 

Please continually show me how to speak the truth in love, act in love, and pray in love. I want to be a radiant child who lives in the light, defined by your love.

 In the midst of this current rush of relational pain, I pray I could love my offenders well. Please show me what that looks like. Once again, I give the pain to you. Saturate my heart with your love today, my beautiful Father.

I love you,



My child,

Yes, you need the power of my Spirit to love your enemies. That is not something you can tackle with enough focus, muscle and determination. When the choices of your enemies mangle your dreams, you are turning to me more and more. That is good.

But I also would encourage you to look to me for the unconditional love you need to truly love those you care about the most. You may be tempted to believe you can love the lovable ones well on your own. But why would you want to shortchange the ones you care about so deeply? If your enemies deserve my love poured out through you, don't you also want that expression of love for those who are most precious to you? 

Ask me for my supernatural love in those relationships as well. I can love them through you with an infinite, perfect, endless love. No matter how deeply you care for someone, my love is not something you can create apart from me.

My love is immeasurable, without flaw and without end. Let me empower you to love with my love, whether it is directed toward your dearest relation or worst enemy.

I love you,


photo: s. tryapitsyn