the moment he knocks

the moment he knocks.jpg

“Be dressed for service and well prepared, as though you were waiting on your master to return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks.” Luke 12:35-36



1) in a suitable or right state for an activity, action, or situation, fully prepared

2) available for immediate use

3) keen or quick to give

4) in need of, eager, or having a desire for

5) inclined, willing to do something, in such a condition as to be likely to do something


My child,

As you ponder these definitions, I have some questions for you to consider, also.

Are you ready to serve me?  Have you spent time with me, allowing me to get your heart and mind prepared? In your own strength, you will not cultivate the sensitivity to my Spirit needed to serve me well. But I can create an eager responsiveness in you, if you are willing.

Are you available for immediate use or too busy or distracted with your own schedule and agenda? Being available for immediate use by me takes cultivation of a tender heart, focus and planning. The world, our enemy and your flesh can steal your availability without a moment’s notice, if you allow it.

Are you keen or quick to give yourself to me and what I have for you? Do you truly want to glorify me more than you want the lesser things? In the times when you find yourself playing in the mud with your trinkets, call my name. I will lift you up, wash you off, and show you the path I have for you.

Do you realize your endless need for my presence? Do you hunger and thirst to participate with me in my kingdom purposes?  I can position your heart and mind so you are inclined and willing to walk in my ways. Are you ready?

I love you,




My Abba,

These truths remind me of those recurring nightmares I have in which I am not prepared for the test, dressed for the speech, or ready to turn in the paper. Convinced my night musings are reality, I wake up distraught.

Obviously, being dressed for service and well prepared is something I need to explore.

Sometimes when you invite me to participate in something you are doing, I think I am ready. I have noticed, though, if there is a special event, I am better at the preparation. It is the daily readiness I lack. Everyday rhythms can sing my readiness to sleep. 

So what are the things I do to be well prepared to serve at a special event?  

1)   I ask for you to speak into my process, guide me, empower me, and give me your wisdom, peace, and everything else I need to be ready.

2)   I listen, think and plan.

3)   I set aside as many things as I can that do not help me focus and get ready.

4)   I enlist the help of others.

Please give me the power to make these practices part of my daily routine. Although I know you are always with me, wake me up to your glorious presence and purposes each day. I want to be ready to open the door and let you in the moment you knock.

I love you,



photo: horoshevych