honeysuckle on the wind

honeysuckle on the wind.jpg

“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

“Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.” 1 John 4:9-12



My child,

There is not a way for you to fully grasp the joy of our endless communion in the Trinity. Before Christ came to earth, the Spirit, Son and I enjoyed an indescribable, uninterrupted glorious intimacy. While Christ was on earth, there was a temporary, sacrificial interruption of that perfect communion. But our love for mankind compelled us to make that choice.

It was the only way in our perfect economy of justice that my holy math would work. I provided what was needed to satisfy the part of the equation only I could satisfy. I needed a perfect substitution. Your sin plus my holy payment for your sin is the only combination of two variables that results in you spending forever with me.

But that required my Son to leave the flawless symphony of the Trinity for a season. You should never take that for granted. Your freedom came at a high price. Not just your once-and-for-all freedom, but your daily freedom. When you are entertaining a certain sin, remember you have the choice to rely on my power to resist that path because of my sacrifice for your escape.

I love you infinitely and I want you to walk in that love. I live in you and want to express my love through you. You do not find some people in your life very lovable. That is where my miraculous power truly shines. I will love them through you.

Open your heart for my infinite, unconditional, perfect love to flow, not only to you, but through you.

I love you,



My Abba,

Thank you for your perfect love. I realize I have only a slight hint of the magnificent reality of your embrace. I think the way I now experience your love is something like catching the faint fragrance of honeysuckle on the wind as a child, when I walked near the fence that wore it like an ivory spring shawl. Distinct and delicious, but nothing like burying my face in the blossoms.

One day, when you welcome me home, I will bury my face in your beauty. But thank you that even in this life, I am more and more keenly aware of your exquisite fragrance as we walk together. What a bright future I have when I consider the possibility of an increasingly deeper experience of your love, grace, truth, kindness, joy, beauty and all of your other dazzling qualities!

I want to walk as a child defined by your matchless grace. I want my life to be a visible expression of your love. Thank you that you give me the power to shed my natural tendencies and baggage and reach for you, instead. Please make those choices glaringly clear to me. I want to walk so closely by your side that the perfume of your presence wears off on me.

I love you,




photo: e.sergeev