identity truth
“Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me.”
Psalm 131:1 (a psalm of David)
Proud: having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance
Haughty: arrogantly superior and disdainful
Disdain: the feeling that someone is unworthy of one's consideration or respect
My Abba,
If King David truly was not proud or haughty when he wrote this psalm, I find that impressive. For a human, he wielded a lot of power. I have seen power give people a very false sense of their own importance.
At least, in one season of his life, I think David considered himself superior, entitled to take whatever he wanted when he wanted it. He took Bathsheba for his pleasure, and then took her husband’s life to solidify his ailing cover up. David showed disdain – treating them as unworthy of consideration or respect.
It seems to me that David was seduced by the illusion of his grandeur and bought the superiority lie. He believed, “When I like what I see, it should belong to me.” This allowed him to lap up his desire du jour, even if he was stealing from the plates of others. David demonstrated a relentless appetite despite his full belly.
I admit my partial inclination to write him off as a haughty, lying adulterer and murderer. Please forgive me. (I am glad you are more merciful than I am and don’t define me by my sin.)
I need to acknowledge some facts. David rose from his humble beginnings as a shepherd to run a country. He was required to make swift, monumental decisions affecting countless people faster than I can choose dinner off the menu at my favorite restaurant. That kind of authority can chase wise thinking into the swamp where honorable intentions drown in the muck.
Maybe David wrote this psalm after you had taught him a thing or two about humility. At some point, he gained a more accurate view of himself. No matter what he accomplished or how many people fluffed his ego, this sounds like he ultimately grasped reality. He was still just a flesh-and-bones man while you were the One taking care of the “too great and too awesome” matters of the universe. David appears to recognize he couldn’t tame his small corner of the world without you. The slightest real brush with you can do that.
Please speak truth to my heart and give me an increasingly more accurate view of who I am and who you are. I don’t want to coddle the errant thoughts that flit, at times, around my heart. I don’t want to think of myself as inferior or superior. Let me see myself more the way you see me.
I love you,
My child,
Despite the immense earthly authority I gave David, he learned I was still in charge. When he abused his power, I called him out. I didn’t let him walk away consequence-free, but his sin was not the end of the story. He repented. I forgave him and brought great redemption in his life.
David’s story is another example of how I can supernaturally transform the human heart. Those changes in David were thorough and dramatic. He laid down pride and haughtiness. He learned whom I created him to be.
Don’t try to wear my crown. It is infinitely too heavy for you. Let go of your pride. It wails that you know better than I do what you should do with your life. That is clearly not the truth.
When your pride melts away, it makes room for a life filled with my gifts and your gratitude. I want you to see every breath, day, talent, strength, and opportunity as a gift from me with the beautiful potential to reflect my glory.
You are valuable because I made you in my image. Hold onto the truth of who you are. That “identity truth” will heighten your view of your worth to me. No need for the fallacious mantra of pride. You are not “greater than” or “less than” others. You are meticulously crafted. A uniquely beautiful expression of my imagination.
I love you,
photo: i.chiosea